Decatur: Why Not Try On Some Polka-Dots?


Just like my zigzag-lines-approaching-intersection “campaign” many years ago, I’m sure there are all kinds of technical reasons why we can’t do this.

But don’t you think many Decatur intersections could use some low-cost, polka-dotted curb-extensions like these newly painted ones in Austin, Texas?

They were inspired by “various parklet and pedestrian plaza projects in New York City and Los Angeles.”, according to CityLab.

Photo courtesy of the City of Austin, via CityLab

6 thoughts on “Decatur: Why Not Try On Some Polka-Dots?”

  1. Let’s have the same contractor that painted the stripes in front of Fire Station #1 paint them. You know, because those are so durable.

    1. They arguably have more of a function than the idiotic bulb-outs, islands, and fake traffic circle (at a four-way stop) installed in Ponce de Leon Terrace. And none of those qualifies as being “adorable.”

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