3 thoughts on “Eye on the Street”

  1. Possible Marketing Slogan- “Making Decatur Weird”. Many on this blog will celebrate this effort but readers should not think that the regular posters here or at Decaturish represent the true diversity of opinion in Decatur.
    I recently had a conversation with a Decatur official concerning the art at the Commerce and College underpass. I was told that the City of Decatur received numerous complaints concerning the project. It was described as graffiti, ugly, nothing to do with Decatur, and (my favorite), “just plain weird”.*
    The Billingsley family continues to receive campaign literature concerning the upcoming election. The candidates stress their love of diversity, support of the school system, experience and the usual fluff. As a small time collector of Decatur campaign memorabilia, I find that for the most part, the themes expressed in the flyers haven’t changed much over the years. Except for Mr. Ridley’s proposal to change the commission form of government (something I oppose), no candidate has impressed me with what I feel is the most important issue, government growth and the power to control citizens. Will a candidate have the courage to say, “We don’t need to spend money on that” and “I think that is wrong and will fight to change it” (Hoping to hear, “We should not encourage or sponsor the consumption of alcoholic beverages in sacred public spaces”).
    *FYI- I ran this by the “Turth-O-Meter” folks and they rated my claim as “Mostly True As Far As You Can Trust This Guy To Tell The Truth”.

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