Senate Bill 63, deemed the “Beer Jobs Bill” goes up for a vote before the Senate Regulated Industries and Utilities Committee today.
The AJC and Creative Loafing have detailed reports going into the day.
In its current state, the bill would allow consumers to purchase up to 72 ounces of beer to drink at a brewery and take up to 144 ounces home. However, the AJC reports that changes to the bill are “expected to include an even stricter limit on just how much beer someone could buy at a brewery.”
If it passes can you head on down to your local brewery tomorrow and fill up your growler tomorrow? Hahaha. Certainly not. Here’s the thrilling process of what happens if the bill gets passed thru committee today according to CL…
If the committee responds favorably, it’s off to the Rules Committee, who will decide if it gets a full Senate vote. If it passes that vote, it’s off to the House to do the whole process over again there.
Woohoo. Stay tuned!
Photo of Creature Comforts,Southbound Brewing Company, 5 Seasons Brewing &Three Taverns Craft Brewery reps at the Capitol Tuesday courtesy Wild Heaven’s Facebook page
Just a nit, but is it Senate Bill 62 or 63?
63, thanks!
SB 62: Probate Courts; remove certain limitations on the jurisdiction of the probate courts over the game and fish violations
Don’t all violations related to fishing and hunting inevitably involve beer, though?
Six pack to take home? Fine, i guess. Twelve pack? No way! This is just ridiculous. The bill, as written, is already a huge compromise.
Glad someone has information. GCBG seems out of the loop.