2014 Survey: Decatur Residents Rate Smart 911/CodeRed Highest, City Wi-Fi Lowest

So, I’ve realized we haven’t spent much, if any, time looking into the results of the always interesting Decatur Citizen Survey.

The survey is conducted once every two years and was most recently released in September 2014.  And there are always some interesting little tidbits in there worth highlighting.

For starters, here’s an interesting bar chart showing resident feedback of the city’s various “technology services”.

citizen survey technology

Smart 911 – a free service that allows residents and business owners to create a safety profile of vital personal and household data, which is available to emergency “call takers” immediately –  and the CodeRed Emergency Notification System – a phone notification system for emergency situations – ranked #1 and #2 in residents’ opinions. (Click the links above to sign up for and learn more about these programs.)

Meanwhile, the city’s free wi-fi initiative, which was pulled out of residential neighborhoods back in 2013 and is now only offered in public spaces, rated lowest with only a total of 49% of residents rating it “Excellent” or “Good”.

13 thoughts on “2014 Survey: Decatur Residents Rate Smart 911/CodeRed Highest, City Wi-Fi Lowest”

  1. Hmm, very interesting. It would be interesting to know if any our city’s apartment developers or economic development prospects cite municipal Wi-Fi as a positive selling point for Decatur. If not, it may be time to reconsider this amenity. Any commenters use this when they’re downtown or in Oakhurst?

  2. I live downtown, and the wi-fi doesn’t work well enough for me to be a viable option. IMO, the money, even if it’s a small amount, would be better spent elsewhere.

    1. When I did ever connect, I couldn’t ever actually use it…nothing would load. I eventually ended up hiding Decatur Free WiFi from my phone.

    2. How is it that large university campuses manage to have WiFi everywhere? Seems like that might work for at least the Downtown area.

      1. In order to do this, Decatur would have to partner with businesses to use their property to install access points all over. They also need to set a standard so as not to bump wireless signals with businesses who have already installed wifi connections.

  3. I have used it often when I’m downtown, usually right on or around the square, especially if I’m outside working on an event. It’s been great. Maybe I’m just in the right place?

  4. I had never heard of Smart 911. I have called 911 but they have never mentioned it. Has it ever been publicized? If so, how? They should let us know about it.

  5. I believe I’ve seen brochures at the library and the rec center. The main focus is on those who only have cell phones, meaning 911 calls from them don’t provide the instant location info that landlines do. Definitely worth taking the time to register.

    1. It also lets you provide info about your household makeup, special needs, locations of utility cutoffs, etc.

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