Decatur Makers Reach Fundraising Goal, Work Day This Saturday
Decatur Metro | September 4, 2014Irm with the Decatur Makers writes in…
Just a neighborly FYI that we have shattered our initial $50K fundraising goal and are now ticking things off our wish-list such as a new roof, HVAC, inside walls, bathrooms, and safety equipment. AND this saturday, we’re coming together as a community for a hands-on Work Day to get the space ready for Maker Faire ( which will be happening October 4/5. Projects include plumbing, hammering, painting, digging, electrical and more.We’re getting the word out that we’re looking for many hands, at all different skill levels, to help us anytime this Saturday between 8:30 and 4:00 204923122/
Reached their goal? That’s great news! I’m happy that this movement is gaining traction.
possibly of interest, too…
In the words of C-3P0, “Thank the Maker!”