Lawrenceville Hwy @ N. Druid Hills Rd (pic courtesy of Eric)
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it’s on like Donkey Kong
Donkey is one of the few things you can’t get there. You might still be able to pick up some horsey balls at IKEA though.
neigh, i say, neigh!
The all you can eat buffet is a golden calf. Don’t make me bring the wrath of god down on you.
we really are insufferably snooty
and I love it
Chocolate Fountain get in my mouth!
New thread: Where were you when you first heard the words “Chocolate Wonderfall” and what was the first disgusting thing you imagined?
Reading this thread early this morning while I finished breakfast. Didn’t think a thing about it until I read your comment, thanks a lot! ;-d
I can only be snooty and hope/assume some of the families who let their screaming kids run around in restaurants will start taking their flock here to eat rather than places in downtown Decatur where I try to have a nice quiet meal!
” . . . rather than places in downtown Decatur where I try to have a n̶i̶c̶e̶ ̶q̶u̶i̶e̶t̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶l̶ nice local organic watered with the tears of unicorns meal!
there, i fixed it for you ; )
I don’t care who you are, THAT’S funny.
Awesomely hilarious.
Put on the feed bucket!
I’m going there right now. I’m serious. While it’s not Cakes and Ale, it is on the outskirts of my neighborhood. I’d prefer it succeed than fail, and we get something worse.
The Golden Corral just plain out rocks!
The place was packed!!! People, especially kids, seemed to enjoy themselves. And…it serves fresh cotton candy! Of course, some of the food was blah and too salty, but some of it was fun and tasty. The staff, a mix of trainees and old hands from other GCs, was working HARD to impress and ensure customers had a good experience. Foodies and meal cops will hate the place, of course. I suspect that some classists and non-racists (different from anti-racists) will use code words and blow dog whistles about the majority of people eating at GC and air their fears (crime, lower property values, etc). Others will whine about wanting Costco or something else. I’m one of the whiners, by the way, wishing for better restaurants and a makeover of lower LHwy. But I ate at GC and I know I’ll eat there again, mainly to show support for the service workers and to keep the spot occupied rather than vacant.
We can go to GC and still wish for the Costco!
I don’t know who you are, MiLO, but I love you. I normally wouldn’t eat there because of my fear of buffets and buffet-born- germs, but Nell Jr is obsessed with buffets and will actually eat, so I may have to mosey on out to the corral.
I ain’t scared of no germs. Just drop the kids off at our house and I’ll brave the buffet with them while you and Mrs J_T eat some overpriced organic crap.
Mr. Belle will go with you, too. He had seven brothers and sisters and feeding time at his house was like prison- you had to fight for your food to keep it.
Hell yeah! We plebeian men of the people will eat with the masses while the snooty women scoff at us! And there will be no need for fighting unless someone tries to snag that last piece of Bourbon Street chicken from me. I suppose we could arm wrestle to see who pays but, honestly, the money saved is not worth the risk of injury at this point.
Just don’t let the kids near the chocolate fountain. Talk about a germ factory!
Don’t think I’ve ever been. Been to Ryan’s in the past which struck me as a place to consume lots of mediocre food. How does it compare?
Oh god, how I would love a Costco right there! Tired of driving to Brookhaven, Duluth or Perimeter. I know there are two Sam’s closer, but just tired of that place after a couple of years.
I doubt I would have given that GC a second look if it was 10 years old, but we might try it out of curiosity.
Troff ‘n’ Brew.
But no brew.
There was a line out the door at 4 p.m. on Saturday at the GC (I drove by on my way to the mall–had to get that disclaimer in there 😉 ).