CCTMA Cuts MARTA Incentive
Decatur Metro | December 30, 2009 | 11:59 amEmory announces a cutback in incentives for Emory bike and walk commuters…
The Clifton Corridor Transportation Management Association (CCTMA) recently announced they will no longer offer MARTA passes to bike commute program participants after December 29, 2009. The CCTMA, through funding provided by regional partners, provides certain commute option incentives for Emory staff commuters. According to the CCTMA, due to federal and state changes to policies governing how funding can be spent and regional transportation agency budget constraints, the decision was made to cut the MARTA incentive currently offered to Emory and Emory Healthcare staff cycling commuters.
The program provided 20 one-way MARTA rides monthly to bike/walk participants.
h/t: wcdarling (via Twitter)
Don’t worry sheeples. Our taxes still subsidize your employer’s “free” car parking at $250 per space per year. Put the bike away, sit back in your comfy seat, tune in the hate radio and text away while driving.
All staff need to do to be able to keep getting a free MARTA card is to change their commute option from “bike/walk” to “MARTA.” Noone really monitors this.