Switching Servers This Weekend
Decatur Metro | May 29, 2009 | 11:32 amLord help me, I’m going to try to move DM to a new server this weekend.
In order to accomplish this, I’m going to have to redirect the url “www.decaturmetro.com”. This might take a day or so according to the powers that be, so if you get to DM – as I assume most of you do – by typing in “www.decaturmetro.com” you might not be able to access the site this weekend.
The alternative, and original url for DM is decaturite.wordpress.com and that should still work to access the old version of the site. Once the url is redirected to DM’s new home, the old site will be abandoned. If and when that happens, I’ll make sure to write up a post that redirects you to the new site.
So please, if you’re checking in this weekend, have patience. Things might not be working properly.
Why move? Well, I’m pretty limited with what I can do with the current site in terms of themes, plugins and layout right now. The new site and server should allow me more flexibility with the site in the future. Once we’re at our new home, you begin to see gradual improvements to the site. But don’t worry, my one vow is to keep it relatively clean.
Wish me luck. I’m gonna need it.
Good luck.
Buena suerte! You’re practically the only Decatur blog I read regularly now, so please beeeeee careful…
Yeah, be careful,. You’re a helluva resource for the Decaturites.
We eagerly await for the curtains to open.
Thanks everyone. At worst (I hope), I could always redirect it back to this site if I run into unexpected problems. Fingers crossed!
It should be a pretty straight-forward move. Backup your DB and test it first! WP has lots of facilities to help with this.
Will the new site have classifieds / lost-found / announcements???????
Good Luck! BTW, if I have a suggestion for a topic, how do I get it to you?