Pin Ups Goes Before Georgia Supreme Court Today
Decatur Metro | September 19, 2011 | 9:50 amOver on Fresh Loaf, Thomas Wheatley notes that Pin Ups (aka: “the strip club on the way to the DeKalb Farmer’s Market”) will make arguments today before the Georgia Supreme Court to remain open until 7am, in order to offer a “breakfast bar” to patrons. Here are the facts of the case from the Court’s docket, as cut-and-pasted by Wheatley.
FACTS: At issue in this case is a judge’s refusal to grant a temporary injunction banning the enforcement of the amendments until the case is resolved in court. Pin Ups is a club in Decatur that offers nude dancing and drinking. In June 2010, the County amended the Alcohol Code requiring all licensed establishments that sell alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption to clear out patrons and close by 4:55 a.m. Thursday through Saturday, and by 3:55 a.m. Sunday and Monday. The stated purpose was “to improve the quality of life in all of its communities” by minimizing the “deleterious conduct associated with” alcohol. Pin Ups offers a “breakfast bar” to its patrons, serving food until 7:00 a.m. It closes at that time, then reopens at 9:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 12:30 p.m. on Sunday. Pin Ups sued the County, seeking a preliminary injunction until the case was resolved. It argued the amendments forced it to close down for hours a day; impeded its breakfast business; and violated its constitutional rights to due process and First Amendment protections. The trial court denied the request for a temporary injunction, and Pin Ups now appeals to the state Supreme Court.
If you’d like to read a synopsis of arguments for and against Pin Ups’ breakfast, jump over to Fresh Loaf and give Old Man Wheatley a click-thru!