MARTA and the cities of Decatur and Atlanta have been soliciting feedback from stakeholders, regarding the development around and within the East Lake MARTA Station for over two months. Now it’s time to showcase their ideas and get your feedback! Take the survey HERE and see the proposed concepts.
Here’s the blurb on The Decatur Minute…
The stakeholders of three different municipalities, one transit system, and a variety of businesses and environmental interest groups have come together to develop a vision for the place they share – the East Lake MARTA Station. Your input over the last two months and six events generated several concept diagrams for the East Lake MARTA Station study area. Now’s the time to share, once again, your feedback on each of the concepts for the north parking lot, the south parking lot, potential future AT&T redevelopment, and street improvements for East Lake Drive, College Avenue, and Park Place. You’ll want to allow 15-20 minutes to complete the survey that can be found here,
Whatcha all think? The actual redevelopment isn’t expected to begin for another 3-5 years, as MARTA works to complete development at other stations around Atlanta.
I cannot access the survey on my iPhone
None of these got me excited. Some more tolerable than others.
And your ideas are ?
I was hoping for more centralized green space and more focus on residential to the west and mixed use towards the intersection (as far as the northern portion is concerned).
Regardless, I acknowledge I’m no expert in development, but that doesn’t mean I can’t identify projects I like the look of and those that I don’t. I just didn’t feel that any of these inspired much optimism regarding the overall process and the individual approach. Hopefully I will be proven wrong!
That grants are used to push certain views is the first impetus for a change in the system. Increasing traffic by increasing density causes a greater chance in safety going down. It will, inevitably, be said that safety will increase, using the old canards of speed & such, when safety now is high. That the government had to vote themselves exempt from being sued from damage from infrastructure tells the true story. When are we going to see some innovative ideas that truly respect all “stakeholders” & are not just part of a group of politicians &activists, developers & ‘tech” companies, that are presently pushing a unified attempt to have their way across the nation?
Given that the northern parking lot and the eastern half of the southern parking lot are COD, it seems like an awful lot of residential units being added to the school system. I appreciate the need to add affordable housing, but wish that we could do that without putting such a potentially big strain on our already strained schools. I am guessing kids in those units would attend Oakhurst or Westchester and then FAVE and those schools are already being pushed to the limits, even with, I’m sure, the upcoming new boundaries.
Could we go ahead and just level Decatur and Atlanta and replace everything with mixed use plywood penthouses? No need to delay the inevitable.
I’m no expert on development, but it seems a mistake to leave the wide road around the parking lot on the south side. It creates a moat around any new development and separates the new residences and retail from the rest of the neighborhood. While that moat makes sense to get around a massive parking lot, I don’t think it makes sense here.
Totally agreed it makes no sense in a redeveloped context. The (seemingly insurmountable) issue is that that little stretch is designated Highway 278 and GDOT’s unlikely to agree to the reduction.
Wow. Looks like another grouping of generic, characterless boxes to stuff folks into. Let’s just change the name of the city from Decatur to “formerly quaint town”.
Instead of Oakhurst Elementary maybe “Generic overcrowded school”
Possible a city wide ordinance to have us all make our houses stucco and paint them beige?
If you didn’t go to the stakeholder meeting, sit down.