Georgia Brewpubs Now Offering Growlers; is Twain’s Next?
Decatur Metro | March 24, 2016 | 8:45 amYou may not have heard about this yet, because there weren’t any legislative fistacuffs on the Georgia Senate floor or a vocal protest outside on the Capitol steps.
Like most things with the alcohol laws in Georgia lately, massive swings in offerings at your favorite local breweries aren’t done with dramatic flare. They are determined by the Department of Revenue’s interpretation of things.
Well, guess what?
The DOR recently decided that existing law actually does allow for the sale of to-go growlers by brewpubs and that they would defer to local governments to make the ultimate decision. This all according to CL.
Isn’t that neat?
Savannah and Alpharetta have already beat Decatur to the punch and passed ordinances (or just said, “sure go ahead”) to allow the sale the growlers. But could Decatur be next?
I followed up with Asst. City Manager Lyn Menne who tells me that based on our inquiry, the City Attorney is now looking into determining “what amendments would be needed to allow Twain’s to sell Growlers. If a change is required we will work with our attorney and the owners of Twain’s to prepare amendments for City Commission consideration.”
Man, this sure reminds me of 2011, when we helped get the ball rolling on growler sales in Decatur. Remember that? Yeah, I didn’t either but apparently that was something we did!
FMFats’ dream of takeaway growlers from Twain’s may finally come true. It only took an extra 5 years.
Photo courtesy of Next Stop…Decatur
This is awesome.
Go have dinner and drinks at Twain’s and then get a growler to go. This will also allow us to attract more brewpubs to the area.
Just be aware that our teens are watching our behavior and be sure and model good public and driving behavior. There’s a community meeting Monday night to discuss some disturbing trends among our teens. (Anyone can attend; not just parents.) The good news is that we are a small, walkable, inter-connected community. The bad news is that our adult behaviors are in full view of our teens some of whom are picking up the less healthy ones. Social media is a powerful influence, but parents and neighbors are an even bigger one.
May I ask what is irresponsible about having dinner and a drink or two (which is in the consumable legal limit of alcohol intake to not be a disabled driver) and order a growler to go?
I am not trying to say setting an appropriate example is bad, but I don’t think I agree with the context of your argument as I don’t see the behavior as being at issue. If it isn’t illegal or doesn’t pose a risk to others, it isn’t a problem.
No problem if the adult behavior is legal and appropriate. But evidently our teens are modeling something else. This was just an opportunity to mention that, not an anti-growler comment. If I had drinks (the plural implies more than one) at dinner and then a growler, I might not be totally appropriate. But I still fit in my pre-pregnancy jeans and don’t drink a lot so I leave it up the individual adult what they can imbibe safely and legally.
Alcohol consumption and driving are a poor mix.
But I thought the point of taking home a growler is that you don’t have to do all your drinking at the brewpub and then drive home impaired . . . oh, wait, I get it! You’re doing what the teens call “hijacking a thread.” You’re giving us an example of exactly the kind of socially unacceptable behavior we Olds have been modelling for the Youngs. It’s performance art! Well done, bravo, etc. If I see you at Twain’s sometime I’ll buy you a beer.
In all the years I have been reading DM, this statement has raised my hackles the most.
It is not my job to provide a moral compass to your children. That is yours. You do so every day at the dinner table, the homework table, and whatever is your religious site of your choice. If your children can be lured to the dark side by seeing me buy a beer or read a scandalous book, you have not instilled in them your values to a sufficient degree.
My parents raised me in what I believe is a righteous manner by instilling their values of hard work and compassion. They did this by constant attention to my education and associations. They did not look to anyone to do their duty as parents. Go forth and do likewise.
Others have a different view:
TONIGHT: Special Parent Forum: Taking Action for Decatur’s Teens and Their Risky Behavior Organized by City Schools of Decatur Administration and Decatur High PTSA
Monday, March 28 ● 7:00-8:15pm
NEW LOCATION: Decatur High School Performing Arts Center
• Dr. David Dude, CSD Superintendent
• Mike Booker, Decatur Police Chief
• Jessica Andrews-Wilson, Certified Prevention Specialist (and former Director of Georgia Teen Institute)
• Wrap Up Conversation facilitated by Eric Tumperi, DHS PTSA President
Come tonight to learn about what’s going on with Decatur teens related to fighting, posting fights to social media, underage drinking, drinking and driving, drug use and cyber bullying — and find out what we as parents can do individually and together to combat these risky behaviors.
The recent Georgia Student Health Survey (a self-reporting anonymous survey taken by students at most Georgia middle and high schools) indicates that Decatur students are drinking and using drugs more than they used to — and more than at peer schools and statewide. The survey is a public document.
At our forum, Dr. Dude and Chief Mike Booker will give some background on the current state of affairs, before turning to Jessica Andrews-Wilson, nationally known adolescent risk behavior specialist, who will guide us through actions that we, the parents, can take.
To ensure the conversation doesn’t end there, our DHS PTSA President Eric Tumperi will review the first steps in a plan of action. You will have a chance to ask questions of our speakers and to get involved!
While the focus is on DHS, Renfroe and FAVE, ALL current or potential City Schools of Decatur parents are welcome. Please come and be part of this effort. Questions? DHS PTSA President Eric Tumperi, [email protected]
Coming soon: We will update information on our DHS PTSA website as we go, send out electronic parent surveys for helping engage in the process, and send email updates to our parent community.
More access to better beer! Bring it own. Now if GA will join 48 other states that allow breweries to easily sell their products on-site; we could completely join the 21st century.
Have to admit — my first thought was that some wholesalers missed a payment. Once that check is found and clears, I expect a swift reversal of this decision!
This makes me happy. I also agree with Mic, if the terrific breweries we have in our city could also directly sell six packs and growlers Decatur would be even further along as a restaurant/brewery destination.
No Hops, No peace!