Twisted Soul Will Close East Howard Location December 30th; Looking For a New Location

twisted soul

Eater reports that Twisted Soul Kitchen + Bar will close on December 30th after they were unable to agree on a new lease for their East Howard Avenue location. But there’s still hope!

[Owner Deborah] VanTrece and her team are looking to open elsewhere in Decatur, but will consider the rest of the Atlanta area, as well. In the meantime, the chef will continue to offer catering, work with charitable causes, and appear at food-focused events around the city.

“We have an amazing group of supporters and regulars at Twisted Soul and love the city of Decatur,” VanTrece said in a prepared statement. “Changing locations is a good way for us to take a step back, evaluate things and improve on the next version of Twisted Soul. We plan to continue building the relationships that have made our year here feel so rewarding, and to grow in every way so that we can nourish our customers and the community.”


10 thoughts on “Twisted Soul Will Close East Howard Location December 30th; Looking For a New Location”

  1. Wow, sure seems like the original lease was pretty short, but I’m not in the real estate business.

      1. Yeah, didn’t think of that. I guess with all the recent development in the area, the landlord has dreams of bigger things.

    1. Feast survived quite well until the untimely death of the owner.
      And Twisted Soul is not a Mexican concept place.

    2. Unfortunately, any restaurant there would play second fiddle to Kimball House across the street. Doggie Dog has the right idea — do something really casual and completely different.

  2. “Unfortunately, any restaurant there would play second fiddle to Kimball House across the street.”

    I would think Revival and its similar but celebrity-chef driven cuisine was the greater competitive challenge for Twisted Soul.

    1. You may be right, but here stated reason for shutting down the current location was because of the lease, not lack of business.
      And, in response to irene, I don’t see that she was trying to compete with Kimball House. It was completely different.

    2. I was speaking to Crambone’s question about what would work in said space, not competition for meat-and-threes elsewhere. Facing a well-loved restaurant such as KH would give any new business owner an inferiority complex.

      Doggie Dog is operating on a completely different level and dining hours.

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