Experience Oakhurst Porchfest in Virtual Reality!
Decatur Metro | December 11, 2015 | 11:52 amSure it’s been a couple of months since Porchfest took over Oakhurst on a lovely Sunday afternoon in October. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t still new and interesting iterations of “coverage” of the event popping up online. And heck if we aren’t gonna show it to you!
Grab your Google cardboard headset and check out this latest submission from the band Van Helton!
Want to experience Porchfest all over again? Perhaps your face wasn’t fully melted the first time around? Well today is your lucky day. The folks at the Van Helton fan club brought out some high tech cameras to the event and filmed Van Helton in 360 degrees for your Virtual Reality (VR) pleasure.
Apparently those fan club folks are pretty busy with their day jobs, because they just finished putting the experience together. Better late than never, right?
If you have a Google Cardboard headset, you can download a VR app that includes the Porchfest experience for both Apple and Android smartphones:
Apple iTunes Store — https://itunes.apple.com/us/
app/foundry-45-virtual- reality/id1058799548?ls=1&mt=8 Google Play Store — https://play.google.com/store/
apps/details?id=com.foundry45. f45viewercardboard If you don’t have Cardboard, you can order one from here:
cardboard/get-cardboard/ Alternatively, the NY Times sent out a million (literally) Cardboard headsets a couple of weeks ago so ask around, and you might be able to find one from a friend.
You should download the app over wifi. There’s a lot of content so the app is huge. A future version will be set up so that you can dynamically download the content you want.
The fan club team also put a couple of 360 degree videos on YouTube 360:
v=BzNhNsg17UQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=gHjX6YhOOsI One final word of caution — Van Helton music has been known to rock so hard that fans’ faces end up melting to the floor. So, please try to limit your exposure to one or two hours at a time.
Van Helton
Using a Google Cardboard VR Headset really is the best way to view this, but if you only watch the YouTube 360 video be sure to click on the video and pan around in 360 degrees with your mouse.
Rock on Porchfest and DM!