Ansley Street Being Repaved – and Getting a New Water System
Decatur Metro | October 15, 2014 | 12:50 pmFrom The Decatur Minute…
The repaving of Ansley St. started on Monday, and as sometimes happens, an unexpected water leak issue developed. The city is currently working with DeKalb County to replace and upgrade the water system underneath Ansley St. before finishing the repaving process.
The good news is this means once everything is complete Ansley St. will have a new, smooth surface AND an upgraded water system. The only downside is Ansley St. will be torn up for a bit longer than anticipated. Once an updated work schedule is finalized we will share it here on this blog.
Questions? Contact the Design, Environment and Construction Division at and ask for John Madajewski.
That was entirely predictable. The county has been doing bits-and-prices water work on that street forever. That’s why it was such a mess in the first place.