Twisted Taco Coming To Emory Village?
Decatur Metro | December 31, 2009 | 9:43 amThe “Quick Bites” section in this week’s Atlanta Intown paper whispers…
Rumor has it that Twisted Taco is planning to open a new location in the old Emory University bookstore space in Emory Village in the spring. Watch its web site at for updates.
Yawn. I’ll be sure to add this to the list of pseudo-Mexican restaurants I rarely, if ever visit (along with Raging Burrito/Taco and TDS. Can’t we get a decent Cuban place, or a seafood restaurant to compete with the very mediocre Fish House?
Seriously. How much of these can any market support?
Atlanta is the cheese dip capital of the world. Mexican restaurants rarely fail in this town. Someone should do a study.
No one said you had to eat there…
Uh, yeah. That was the point I was making.
I want Tortilla’s!!!!!!!
Oh, I miss Tortillas.
I thought Barnes & Noble was going in there, but apparently they are going into a new building on Oxford:
Which will, of course, lead to Lewis Black’s “Starbucks across from a Starbucks (and near Octane).
My favorite Starbuck’s joke is The Onion headline about the Starbuck’s that opened a mini-Starbuck’s inside of itself.
If this rumor is true, there’s no way they’ll be open by spring. They’ve been working on the one on Northlake Parkway for almost a year and it’s still not open.
Any other updates on when they will remove the overhead power lines and get started on the roundabout? They”ve been working every weekend on the power lines but there’s no sign of when the roundabout construction will start.
I crave updates… Please?