Active Living Advisory Board Members Announced
Decatur Metro | March 30, 2009 | 8:16 amNo lack of talent in this city.
Rus sends along the list of the selected board members for Decatur’s newly created Active Living Advisory Board. I believe I heard that there were over 20 candidates for these eight positions.
Bill Adams, Chair – Real Estate, volunteer coach, youth sports
Sally Brozek – registered dietitian, certified diabetes educator
Michael Harbin – software system development/maintenance, youth sports, high school booster club
Wendy Heaps, MPH – CDC, health/wellness program development for large business org., teen program volunteer
Mamie Jennings Mabery – Public Health Informaticist@CDC, personal fitness trainer,walker, runner, tennis player
Michael Pratt, MD,MPH,MSPE – Public Health Physician/CDC, Physical Activity and Health branch, Exercise Physiology
Don Rigger – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Volunteer Coach at Decatur Rec and High School
Parky Rogers – Junior Achievement, Safe Routes to School/Injury Prevention, Decatur Cooperative Ministry
Miriam Vos, MD, MSPH – Pediatric Gastroenterologist/Emory University and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Bike Emory