Let the Music Play: Your Oakhurst Porchfest Schedule for 2017

It’s that time of year again: When Georgia’s largest organic free-range crowd-sourced music festival fills the street’s of Decatur’s Oakhurst neighborhood. And once again it’s totally free of charge thanks to the voluntary contributions of almost a thousand people.

Presenting the line up for the 2017 Oakhurst Porchfest — 220 (!) individual performances on an equal number of porches, spread over seven hours in a square mile area.


Like years passed, we’ll have old-skool printed programs (available a few days prior) matched with a Google Map showing porches, performers, times, descriptions, food, and parking info. We’ve also got a few kids activities popping up in there. Generate a performance wish list on your computer in advance or fire it up on your phone as you walk around to build your experience along the way. Here’s all you need to do:

On a Desktop

Your browser window will show both the menu and the map. Notice how the menu is broken up by category layers — times and logistics — that you can turn on or off. Working directly with the map, you can zoom in and see all artists for any particular street or area, color and time coded to reflect when they’re playing. Click any performer and you’ll get specific details in the menu. Or, using the menu, click the drop-down arrow under each time slot and you’ll get the full list of performers. Clicking any particular one shows you their location on the map and gives you their details.

On Your Phone

Access the link using your phone’s browser. When the map appears, you’ll notice a white bar at the bottom labeled “Oakhurst Porchfest 2017.” Tap that bar and you get the menu. From there, it works pretty much just like on the desktop.

It’s that simple. So check it out now at www.tinyurl.com/oakhurstporchfest2017 to explore this year’s talent.

Further information and logistics are still coming together but as they do we’ll be releasing them here and on our website. But go ahead and start planning your day now.

See you October 14!

7 thoughts on “Let the Music Play: Your Oakhurst Porchfest Schedule for 2017”

  1. Oh, why why why are Best to Burn and Sound Investment in the same time slot? : (

    The Google map thing is amazing and incredibly helpful. It must have taken forever to put it together. Thanks to all involved!

    1. You may not believe this but in both cases there were conflicts that dictated each band either play Noon to 1 or not at all. Must be an a cappella thing!

      1. Ah, well, I guess that explains it. And making a VERY difficult choice (or trying to squeeze in a little of both) is certainly preferable to not having them there at all! Tell them they need to clear their schedules better for next year! 🙂 Also, thanks for the reply and for all the work I know y’all are putting in to make this wonderful event possible.

  2. Yea! Porchfest is easily my favorite festival. Wandering around the neighborhood from one performer to another, amidst giant crowds of people of all sorts makes me happy. Listened “Melissa the Loud” last year playing her hurdy-gurdy and discovered a whole new instrument and style of music to like.

    1. The narrative list is included in the printed (and PDF Download) program which is currently in production. Should be downloadable early next week; on the street printed by Thursday.

    2. Also, neglected to mention that with each time slot layer on the map, click the dropdown in the menu for a list of all bands that hour in alphabetical order.

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