Tim Martin Announces Campaign for District 1 Commission Seat

Tim Martin’s campaign sent out this announcement this morning…

Tim Martin Announces Candidacy For District 1 Commission Seat
Local business owner seeks to build on years of dedicated community service.

Decatur, Georgia – June 26, 2017 — Local resident Tim Martin announces his candidacy for the Decatur City Commission today, seeking to serve fellow District 1 residents with his “well-rounded experience and neighbor-driven leadership.”

“I’ve done a lot of listening over the past few months,” says Martin. “Working to understand how people feel about Decatur. What they love but also the issues that concern them.”

What he heard had much in common with his own priorities and convinced him that he could be an effective voice for the community. In particular, he’s identified a number of oft-repeated issues — taming Scott Boulevard, making efficient use of city investments and resources, improving housing affordability, and promoting further livability in the city’s downtown — that, as commissioner, he plans to take on.

“We as a community share similar values,” he says. “A desire to be heard. Protecting what works and fixing what doesn’t. Working together, being responsible stewards of shared resources. These are things you can expect from me, in anything I do.”

Martin has a lengthy history of local involvement, particularly with the Rotary Club, Clairmont Presbyterian Church, and the Decatur Business Association, but cautions against making his ample resume the focus. “I’m more concerned with what those experiences and accomplishments add up to and how they reflect what I’m really about,” he says. “I’m a doer, and I’ll roll up my sleeves with anyone willing to do the same.”

Martin graduated from the Goizueta Business School at Emory University in 2000 and presently runs Tim Martin Wealth Strategies, a wealth management and financial planning practice with over $50 million in Assets Under Management. He’s been a Million Dollar Roundtable® member since 2008, won the National Triple Crown Award in 2011, and has been a NAIFA-Atlanta Top Advisor Under 40 each year since 2011.

“People have entrusted me with their finances and their futures,” he says, “and I’ve worked hard to earn that trust and do right by them.”

Martin’s wife Melanie is a public school teacher with the City Schools of Decatur and both of their children attend schools in the system. “The success of public education is personal for me,” he says, “so working together in good faith with our school system to help protect and further their interests is a priority.”

“Ultimately, I’m committed to working, learning, and creating value with others to make positive and lasting contributions to the Decatur community. I look forward to meeting additional neighbors in the coming months and learning more about how I might best be of service.”

For more information about Tim and his campaign, visit timfordecatur.com.

7 thoughts on “Tim Martin Announces Campaign for District 1 Commission Seat”

  1. Tim will be a thoughtful listener, leader, and steward of Decatur. Excited for him and our community.

  2. Tim’s a neighbor and a solid candidate. You have my support.

    Thank you for making the commitment to run, Tim. And for your past investments of time and talents into our beloved community.

  3. How about some actual diversity of thought? How about a real vision to counter this encroaching & overwhelmingly shoved down our throats “new urbanism”?

      1. Remember Robert, you aren’t allowed to have an opinion unless you run yourself. Tisk tisk.

    1. How ’bout a vision that includes acres of surface parking lots, empty car dealerships along Ponce, chained-up vacant lots at major intersections, and a desolate downtown? You know, like the good ol’ days?

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