Ben & Jerry Stop By Decatur’s Butter & Cream


How cool is this?  From a Butter & Cream’s Facebook post on November 19th…

Last night we were honored that Ben and Jerry (YES! That Ben and Jerry!) stopped by Butter and Cream. They tried several of our flavors and decided on Dark Chocolate Sorbet, Pistachio, Mint Chocolate Chip, and Salted Caramel. While enjoying their ice cream, they graciously chatted with our staff and customers. Thank you Ben and Jerry for finding time to visit after your speaking engagements at Georgia State.

Photo of Ben Cohen courtesy of Butter & Cream Facebook page

2 thoughts on “Ben & Jerry Stop By Decatur’s Butter & Cream”

  1. I met Jerry at the inaugural Bonnaroo hanging by a Ben & Jerry’s cart. It was as awesome as it sounds.

  2. This is the Decatur I know and love. We attract Indigo Girls, Ben and Jerry, Obama, and bajillions of cool authors.

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