Decatur Removing Crosswalks Downtown In Preparation for New Colorful Ones


Robert wrote in asking “Why were all the crosswalks removed from Ponce de Leon Ave in downtown?”

We checked in with the city and Asst. City Manager David Junger told us that “There is a lead time on producing the decorative thermoplastic.” and that he’s hoping that the new crosswalks will be installed downtown by early December.

To see the new design and location of all the new crosswalks, see this previous post.

One thought on “Decatur Removing Crosswalks Downtown In Preparation for New Colorful Ones”

  1. Oh my, how did I miss that earlier post? Well these crosswalks certainly will get our minds off of The Election!
    They also provide inspiration for the new official City of Decatur tagline. “Decatur, we ain’t just walkin’…we trippin'”.

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