2 thoughts on “Eye on the Sky”

  1. Thanks Siv. Sometime I get lucky.
    Normally I walk to the square on Saturdays but decided to visit Eddie and Ann Fowlkes who live off South Candler. It’s been a while since I walked through the Agnes Scott campus and it was the first time I really studied the old tower. Looking up, you see quite a bit of intricate stonework at the top. The hawk was a bonus. After flying around for several minutes, it finally settled on the tower rim. Maybe a nest is just inside.
    I texted Nick that the tower maybe the tallest man made structure in Decatur that’s not an office building. The brick shows signs of repair about half way up and I wonder how that was done. I asked Nick if he was aware of a staircase or ladder inside the tower. Now that would be a cool way to look around our little town don’t you think? The climb would be a challenge but well worth it.
    All in all, it was a great day to check out some of the more unusual sites around Decatur. Heck, I even saw bears hanging around the square. Now that’s something you don’t see often.

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