15 thoughts on “Eye on the Street”

  1. From yesterday’s DHS e-blast on “parking reminders”…

    Additional modular units have been installed in the upper parking lot to be used for classroom overflow next year. As a result, parking is limited…

  2. There’s a beautiful new building that was just built connected to Ebster Gym. Looks like it would be a great school. Even already says “Decatur” “city” and “school” right on the side. Also, since dekalb county offices have/are leaving the city, there will be office space available for lease for those who have to relocate out of my new school. You’re welcome. Tomorrow I’ll fix the tree ordinance issues.

    1. I have always wondered why kids are in trailers and the admin is always in nice buildings. How many admin people do we have, anyway? Serious question.

      1. Looks like about 35-40 are listed on their directory. Some of those listed appear to hold roles that might normally actually be housed within the schools (psychologists, for example) and not require office space, but that is a guess.

        1. Too much over-head in my opinion. For example, a couple of years ago the then DHS principal got promoted into the newly formed position of (I believe) Secondary Education Director. So instead of the Principals of RMS & DHS reporting to the superintendent, they report to this Director who then reports to the Superintendent. Why the extra layer? Why the extra over-head?

        2. “Some of those listed appear to hold roles that might normally actually be housed within the schools (psychologists, for example) and not require office space…” May well be in schools with the “acreage” outlined by the state, but show me where in one of CSD’s current school buildings there would be room to house a psychologist, too? The “extra” staff that are a necessity in a school district do require at a minimum a desk to work at, and central office is none too spacious. Also, remember that the exponential growth in the district necessitates more staff, and yes, even adding an additional layer of admin here and there. That is just another burden of a growing school district….

          1. Oh, I don’t begrudge school psychologists (other other staff persons) work space. I was just speculating that the numbers listed in the central office’s directory may or may not be “housed” in the central office. Likewise I have no opinion at this time as to whether or not the district’s administration is bloated or not; nelliebelle’s question just got me to wondering myself, so I set about seeing what information might be available. Not taking any stance or stirring any pot (at least not intentionally).

    1. My wife and I came here with our two kids six years ago so I could take up a position at CDC. We picked Decatur for the location (near CDC) and the schools. We’ve rented the entire time out of necessity. We like to think we’ve contributed to the community through things like service on a school SLT (parent-admin-teacher leadership council), buying local (art, music, food, books, etc.), while at the same time our kids have, admittedly, reaped the benefits of an outstanding school system. Our hope is to stay here for at least another decade. Just out of curiosity, I’m wondering if we fall into that ‘outsider’ category you mentioned. What are the requirements for being an ‘insider’ or being considered to belong here? I’m just wondering if it’s a birth thing (like “I’m a native of Georgia” or Decatur) or living here for a certain amount of time, or maybe home ownership? Maybe if you can provide a definition, I’ll know where me and my family – and everyone else in a similar situation as us – stand in your eyes.

      Dale Rose

        1. Doesn’t strike me as obvious at all, but that’s the funny thing about online dialogue isn’t it? Things are open to interpretation… Well, if he was joking then my bad.

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