Volunteer Opportunities Still Available for Book Fest

Volunteer Decatur sends in this final call for volunteers…

Plans changed for the weekend?  Got a couple hours to spare?  There are a few remaining volunteer openings  at the book festival.  The Saturday mid- and late-afternoon shifts at the author venues (Marriott, Rec Center, etc.) have the most space.  There are also openings on Sunday for close-down (6 to 9pm), and working at the author venues from 12 to 3 or 3 to 6.  Call the Visitor Center at and ask for Megan or Sherry to sign up or get more information.

4 thoughts on “Volunteer Opportunities Still Available for Book Fest”

  1. It is genius on Volunteer Decatur’s part- Priority for Beer Fest positions go to those who’ve volunteered for other events. And so I volunteered.

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