Welcome Back Westchester! Decatur Schools Back in Session

A picture not seen along Scott Boulevard in almost a decade.  (Not that I snapped an actual picture.)

Parents and kids walking the sidewalks along side the busy streets.  A packed parking lot.  A Decatur Police cruiser and Officer Lindsey on his motorcycle vigilantly sitting across the street as cars are told to slow down to 25 mph along the stretch.

Welcome back to the fray Westchester!  And Happy first day of school all!

9 thoughts on “Welcome Back Westchester! Decatur Schools Back in Session”

  1. Nice scene at Oakhurst this morning: huge crowd of peds all being funneled through the front door shortly before 8 a.m., lots of excited kids, one weepy parent, seeing lots of familiar faces. Staff giving big friendly ‘hellos’ to my daughter by name, and a few hugs.

  2. It was truly heartwarming to see the stream of families walking along Clairemont, Westchester Ave., and Scott Blvd. to Westchester. They were probably streaming in through the paths to the school in the back too but couldn’t see from the street. A crossing guard at Clairemont and Scott seemed to be doing a great job of directing. Felt like the school had never been closed.

    When the middle/high school bus stopped at the apartments across from Westchester, all traffic was nicely stopped, all 4 lanes, both directions. Police car was there at the apartments as well, watching that the traffic behaved. I did get a bit nervous when I saw one family and one solo adult cross quickly in the middle of the block while the bus had traffic stopped. I wish that a big, well-marked, cross walk could be located there, maybe even a cross-walk signal with lights and sound. But there wasn’t one in all the years that Westchester was open before so not sure there’s a chance of one now. Darn state DOT.

  3. Many, many new faces at Clairemont this morning. If you’re new, welcome! We love it and hope you will too.

    1. +1.
      We commented on all the new families at Clairemont, too. Loved seeing and feeling all the excitement of back to school šŸ™‚

      Oh and noticed there was a crossing guard at the traffic signal at Glen Lake Park – yay!

  4. FAVE bus 15 minutes early, Mid/High School Bus 15 minutes late. Angry drivers on Scott and Clairemont, great new crossing guard at Clairemont and Scott. Nice to see all the families walking to all the schools and the older kids trouping to their schools. The younger kids faces filled with excitement and a little wary. The older kids look like the dwarves being driven by goblins – depressed, angry, and resigned to their fate. On trip back from high school I saw gaggles of elementary parents standing at various intersections, I remember the days! But the best was the quiet house for my telecommute day. Q: For whom is the short summer? A: Telecommuting parents!

  5. Thanks!
    I have two young ‘uns there as of today. It’s all good so far.
    Very exciting!

  6. Newly sharpened pencils, crisp new notebooks, crayons fresh out of the box. I love the first day of school!

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